Missing FedEx Information
There are a couple of reasons you might be missing FedEx tracking information for your order.
First, it is possible that your order has not been fully packed and processed yet. Depending on what time or day you placed your order, it will ship on different days. Generally, our cutoff for same-day shipping is 12 PM EST on a shipping day. This does change sometimes based on FedEx’s schedule and various holidays. For the most up-to-date information on our shipping days, please see our shipping policy.
When you place your order, you will receive two emails. The first email contains your order number, shipping address, and products ordered. The second email is sent when your order has shipped, which will contain your FedEx tracking number. Please check your Promotions or spam folder if you do not see it in your inbox. Subscribing to our emails helps to prevent this. You can subscribe to our emails at the bottom of the homepage, www.kolfoods.com.
If the second email you received doesn’t contain your FedEx tracking number, or if you don’t receive a shipping confirmation email at all, feel free to get in touch with us by emailing info@kolfoods.com or by calling us at 888-366-3565. Our office is open Monday through Friday from 9 am - 5 pm EST.