Do you have upcoming discounts or promotions?

KOL Foods does not offer regular discounts or promotions on our products. We are proud to stand by our regenerative products and to be able to make them available to you at the best price we can. Each item is thoughtfully priced in order to cover the cost of production, the logistically intensive process of offering grass-fed, Kosher meat, and to sustain the KOL Foods mission for the long term.

For this reason, we are not able to provide regular discounts. KOL Foods is the only online producer of glatt kosher grass-fed beef and lamb, and pastured organic-fed poultry. The fact is that the high quality of our product, and the strict standards it represents, also make it more costly to produce.

We understand that we have competitors that are able to offer discounts. Since these providers have more lenient standards regarding their farming practices, they are able to acquire products for less, allowing for the possibility of discounts while still being able to sustain the business. 

Our grass-fed and pastured standards are a non-negotiable value here at KOL Foods. While it does affect our ability to give discounts to our loyal customers, it is paramount to our mission to be able to offer only environmentally and ethically sound kosher meat.

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