How can I contact KOL Foods?

Our business hours are 9 AM-5 PM Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday, with some changes for holidays.

First, we can be reached by phone during business hours at 1 (888) 366-3565. In the message, please leave your name, your question, your order number (if applicable), and a phone number where we can reach you.

We can also be reached by email at and will respond to any emails as promptly as possible. Please allow for additional response time over weekends and holidays. 

Lastly, you can use our chat function. This chat function is available during business hours, 9 am - 5 pm. The chat function will connect you directly to our Customer Happiness Specialists to answer any questions you may have. The chat function is available on our website in the bottom right corner in the green circle that contains a white question mark.

Thank you for your interest in KOL Foods. We will be sure to answer any questions you have through any of the contact methods listed above.

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